Research priorities announced by treatment deputy:
1. Assessing the causes of not-identifying hospital infections / evaluating the effect of washing hands on controlling infection in hospitals / determining incidence process of risk factors in transmitting hospital infections in hospital
2. Safety in hospital / safety indicators / patient safety (during transfer) / assessing related psychological, cultural and social dimensions to improve patient safety in hospital / the impact of safe surgery checklist on rate, mortality and surgical complications
3. Promoting the quality of healthcare / evaluating teamwork on improving the quality of hospital services / assessing the impact of hospital indicators on improving the quality of processes / investigating the impact of holding committees on promoting the quality of hospital processes / examining the impact of simulation techniques on optimizing the process of service delivery and reducing the average time to receive services / evaluating the impact of quality improving programs on delivering health services in hospitals / infrastructures of accreditation and their role on promoting safety and quality of services
4. Medical errors / assessing patient safety inspections on reducing medical errors in hospital / evaluating related factors on the incidence of medical errors in hospital
5. Investigating the causes of insurance deductions due to ignorance and negligence of the personnel / assessing the amount and causes of deductions in the records of inpatients and managerial policies to reduce them / payments of the insurer organizations and waiting time for documents
6. Assessing supplying nursing workforce for hospitals / personnel shortage in nursing office (cleaners and orderlies) / recruiting nursing staff / human resources management
7. Evaluating the causes of discharge against medical advice in wards of hospital
8. Personnel safety (occupational) / investigating hospital personnel's occupational encounters
9. Transferring patients / evaluating the number of patient transfers to more equipped centers due to lack of specialist during three months / examining the rate and causes of patient transfer from hospitals
10. Ethics in healthcare system / challenges of professional ethics in psychiatric centers and its correspondence with standards
11. Evaluating performance indicators in hospitals and their standards, challenges facing doctors' lack of cooperation in promoting hospital indicators
12. Documenting medical records (by doctors) / assessing the rate of observing documenting in hospital records
13. Evaluating medical costs of diseases and reducing methods, cost-utility of different treatment methods
14. Appropriate budgeting methods for expenditure in hospital / shortage of financial resources
15. Health information management / economy and health information, assessing information technology
16. Antimicrobial resistance
17. High-risk pregnancies
18. Assessing the effect of training on the performance of nurses and doctors, challenges of human resources training courses
19. Investigating supplying medical faculty members for hospital by treatment deputy / the lack of sufficient radiologists and ultrasonography specialists
20. Strategies to increase bed occupancy rate
21. Evaluating abortion rate and its complications / assessing the reasons for abortions in hospital
22. Investigating postpartum depression / evaluating the side effects of delivery in women
23. Evaluating the performance of on-call specialists for the disposition of emergency department patients / investigating the effect of patient visits by specialists in reducing diagnostic and treatment approach during three months
24. Examining the effect of stress on increasing the intensity of delivery pain / promoting mental health, quality of life and stress management / psychiatry of infertility
25. Evaluating the causes and waiting time of the patients in emergency department of hospital / investigating effective factors in reducing waiting time for patients requesting admission in hospital and clinic
26. The non-compliance of gynecologists about natural delivery motivational program, related complications toward reduction of natural delivery comparing with cesarean
27. Inefficiency and effectiveness of human resources in hospital / related problems about motivating human resources
28. Feasibility study of medical tourism (improving)
29. Evaluating patient satisfaction
30. The role of midwife in crisis and incidents, crisis management in disasters
31. Rational use of antibiotics
32. Assessing the impact of health sector reform on the performance, effectiveness and patient satisfaction
33. Pay for performance and employee satisfaction
34. Investigating the interventions and reforms in hoteling and food management and its impact on satisfaction
35. Preventive maintenance of medical equipment
36. Consumption trend of blood components and side effects of transfusion
37. Observing the rights of service receivers
38. Evaluating the quality of healthcare centers’ websites
39. Electronic health record
40. The lack of support from quality improving units
41. The skills of staff in controlling agitated patients / needs assessment for staff skills
42. Social high-risk behaviors (sexual behaviors and violence)
43. Caring system after discharge and follow-up of hospitalized patients
44. Health of elderly people
45. Epidemiologic evaluation and risk factors of cancers (breast and cervical), mental disorders, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, common risk factors in the province, autism and ADHD in children and effective prevention methods
46. Assessing obesity pattern and overweight predictors, prevalence and metabolic syndrome and risk factors and investigating the effects of dietaries and lifestyle
47. Effective strategic and managerial approaches, cost-effectiveness, improving health system responsiveness
48. Examining strengths and weaknesses of Sib software and presenting methods to promote referring system
49. Challenges of lack of physical space
50. Secondary management of waste
51. Nursing indicators with safety priority
52. Investigating the reasons for doctors lack of cooperation for implementing accreditation standards
53. Case method clinical audit in patient caring
54. Audition of patient disposition time in emergency department and improving methods
55. An investigation of imposing additional financial burden regarding deferred purchases during 6 months
56. Examining financial burden in using oxygen tank compared to oxygen concentrator during one year
57. Assessing the number of patients who cannot receive specialized services (the related reasons) during visits (daily and three months period)
58. Evaluating complaint behavior and related factors of hospital services customers
59. Investigating the rate of responding to patients’ expectations in treatment section of the hospital
60. Assessing different methods to make hospitals more efficient (improve revenue)
61. Examining energy consumption improving methods with quality promoting approach in hospital sections
62. Investigating the reasons for doctors lack of on-time presence on patient bedside or delayed presence in clinics
63. Evaluating the rate of irrational paraclinical services prescription in hospital
64. Assessing the rate of drug use and comparison with standards in hospital / challenges in caring, psychological, social and deviance (drug use, alcohol consumption and social media)
65. Evaluating appropriate methods for preterm birth in women
66. Investigating the causes of doctors reluctance for implementing accreditation standards
67. Examining effectiveness of discharge education for patients by nurses
68. Promoting employees health (self-caring)
69. The effect of pharmacological and nonpharmacologic approaches for labor pain management
70. Assessing amount of medication wastage
71. Investigating the level, promotion and use of contraceptive practices
72. Investigating the causes of maternal and neonatal death
73. The lack of accordance between central bank’s inflation targeting with tariff escalation rate in 1396
74. Competition between public and private hospitals
75. Assessing ergonomics (human factors) in different sections of hospital
76. Evaluating participation in equipping Imam Sajjad hospital by medical science deputy with private sector
77. Examining job satisfaction of medical staff with patient caring
The list of nursing research committee research priorities in 1396
1. The causes for medical errors and the barriers for not reporting them
2. The impact of different training methods for patient satisfaction in the follow-up of patients referring to clinics
3. Investigating the reasons of hospital readmission in teaching hospitals
4. Assessing the rate of appropriate antibiotic prophylaxis prescription before surgery with existing standards
5. Evaluating domains in clinical competency of ICU nurses
6. The effect of waste anesthetic gases on the health outcomes of operation room staff
7. Evaluation of adherence to informed consent and the quality of obtaining it from patients by authorities in academic centers